Today more than ever, Humanity suffers from all kinds of diseases, some of which have been declared incurable, irreversible or difficult to treat. This is all the more true since the majority of the people who make up this Humanity continue to wallow in misery and collapse under the weight of the inability to easily access medical care, or quite simply medicines. As these are generally excessively expensive, it is no secret that people without financial means are finding it increasingly difficult to get treatment, in the world in general and in Africa in particular. The world is constantly flooded with diseases that are difficult to treat and require the use of increasingly effective remedies, which in turn do not cause other health concerns. It is now clear that chemical drugs represent a significant percentage in the number of annual deaths in the world; and many of these drugs encounter serious opposition from the germs or causative agents of various diseases. This most often relegates these drugs to the rank of simple painkillers. This situation does not suit the sick at all, because they find it difficult to obtain a permanent cure. In view of this observation, we decided to create this platform to make known our structure, ABRI Afrique, specialized in biomedical research. With the raw material of plants and other products with therapeutic virtues from the forests of the Congo Basin (region of Central Africa extending over six countries: Cameroon, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea and Gabon, see green part on the map below), we have developed natural medicines. These should allow the naturally healthy treatment of patients suffering from various pathologies, in the world in general and in Africa in particular. Taken from plants and other natural products, our medicines are intended to make it possible to cure the sick without their having to suffer from side effects, as is the case with the chemical medicines commonly used in the world. We have a wide variety of drugs, targeting a wide spectrum of pathologies, such as diabetic foot ulcer, gangrene, breast cancer, prostate cancer, cancer of the limbs (lower and upper), incurable wounds, elephantiasis and many others, considered incurable and irreversible by modern medicine. Our vision is to present to the world 100% natural biomedical solutions, obtained by harnessing the therapeutic power of Nature, for the implementation of natural medicines derived from plants used by our ancestors for thousands of years, healing purposes. These products are known as “Phyto-medicines” and are designed to ensure a more natural healing, causing no side effects. In addition, we have a very exceptional variety of cotton, with healing, revitalizing and regenerating properties for organic cells. This is very useful and effective for dressings and the treatment of all kinds of gangrene, since it accelerates tissue regeneration and promotes healing. It would play a major role in the field of surgery…
If you want to know more about us and what we want to offer humanity for its health well-being, we invite you to browse the different sections of this website.